For me Mother Teresa embodies Christian love in action. Her face shines with the love of Christ on which her whole life is centred, and her words carry that message to a world which never needed it so much

Wednesday 17 February 2010

The Call within the Call

In 1946 I was going to Darjeeling, to make my annual reteat. It was in that train, I heard the call to give up all and follow Him into the slums to serve Him among the poorest of the poor. I knew it was His will, and that I had to follow Him. There was no doubt that it was going to be His work. But I waited for the decicision of the Church. In December 1948 alone I started working in the slums, visting the sick, gathering and instructing street children, and gradually opening my first school and dispensary in the Motijhil slums.

1 comment:

  1. In my diary I wrote:
    Today I learned a good lesson-- the poverty of the poor must be ofter so hard for them.
    When rounding looking for a home-- I walked till my legs and my arms ached-- I thought how they must also ache in body and soul looking for homes-- food-- help....
    Of my free choice, my God, and out of love for you-- I desire to remain ...
    My God give my courage now-- this moment.
